Landscape Quote

Let’s Build Something! Our company not only pays attention to every detail of landscaping & gardening design ideas, but we also pays more attention to construction quality and post-service.

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Build Something Tailor Made For You.

When many landscape gardening companies are still racking their brains to achieve pleasing personality, Gardening Story has begun to cross this level and began to work towards the realm of “Heaven Design”! It is to give the scene a certain spiritual and emotional sustenance, and then to guide and deepen it so that the viewer can touch the scene, resonate, inspire the association, and constantly supplement and expand the foreground image, and realize the scene. The emotions and concepts contained in it, even directly experiencing a certain philosophy of life, thus gaining a kind of spiritual relief and freedom, and enjoying the pleasure of aesthetics, is the highest level of the scene and the image of the outside world realm. That is to say, the real scene and the virtual world meet and merge to produce “the rhyme, the taste of the outside”, so that the artistic conception has a mellow taste. This is the realm that Gardening Story Art pursues.

Recent Work

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus adipiscing fermentum quam volutpat aliquam. Integer et elit eget elit facilisis.

Project Name

Netherland Garden

Project Name

Water Stream in the City

Project Name

Cozy House Garden

Mr Tan Ah Seng

I am very happy with the garden of my dream with the Zen concept

Madam Michelle Loke

What can I say about the landscape of my restaurant. Customers are taking photos in the garden

Ms Lim Yoke Lin

The employees are going to the sky garden for relaxation and some functions are held at the sky garden.

Get in Touch


Suite 33-01, 33rd Floor, Menara Keck Seng, 203, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur

Monday to Friday

 9am to 5pm


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