Landscape Contractor

A landscape contractor is the execution team consisting of gardener and landscapers for the landscape architects.

There are many specializations by the contractor on the different aspect of landscaping

Designing the landscape including building an outdoor patio, deck and fencing. Any furniture that may be included such as benches or table that requires yearly upkeep from the outside elements.

Installation of the irrigation system or the putting up of the wall or any water feature or walkway.

Maintenance is part of the contractor job scope whereby they tend to the garden, providing bi-weekly pruning, watering, fertilizer, pest control and herbicide. Mowing the lawn and trim the edge around the lawn. Pesticide helps to get rid of the wasp or ticks or getting rid of the garden snails.

Different contractor specializes in different environment or segments of landscaping. Mainly it involves with the outdoor or indoor of landscaping. This may also include the daily maintenance and the upkeep of the cleanliness of the whole garden sweeping of dried leaves from the walkway.

The contractor is vital for maintaining the safety of the garden by repairing any maintenance equipment in the upkeep of the groundwork. The contractor is also in charge of cutting down the branches that pose danger to the pedestrian.

The contractor may not have the formal education on landscaping but they specialize in a different area of their expertise whilst the landscape designer may have formal education on the landscaping and horticulture.

Gardening & Landscaping

Garden Ideas





Mr Tan Ah Seng

I am very happy with the garden of my dream with the Zen concept

Madam Michelle Loke

What can I say about the landscape of my restaurant. Customers are taking photos in the garden

Ms Lim Yoke Lin

The employees are going to the sky garden for relaxation and some functions are held at the sky garden.

Get in Touch


Suite 33-01, 33rd Floor, Menara Keck Seng, 203, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur

Monday to Friday

 9am to 5pm


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